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Let's get you started toward learning how to reclaim and protect your parental rights

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Upcoming Events

Our events are designed to help you better understand what it means to be a Watchmen and inspire you to become active in your local community! Click on a date and choose an event to learn about or sign up for...

Video Gallery

In order to take action in our communities, we must first understand the structure and movement of the boards that run our school districts. These videos include great examples of important topics being covered in our local offices.

Watchmen Start Times:
VCCCD video at
OUSD 10/13/2021 video at 45:40

The Watchmen33 Archive

Watchmen33 is the official newsletter of Watchmen on the Wall and includes fascinating and relevant information regarding the state of our districts. Click on an issue of Watchmen33 to view it.

4 / 1 / 2022

4 / 1 / 2022

4 / 17 / 2022

4 / 17 / 2022

Stay informed, subscribe to receive your own copy of Watchmen33 each month!

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